The Problem is Really YOU with Dr. Paul Etchison
Bulletproof Dental Practice Podcast Episode 281
Host: Dr. Craig Spodak
Guest: Dr. Paul Etchison
Key Takeaways:
Considering Growth And Expansion Of Your Practice
Pivoting In Your Practice
2 Innate Fears
Bulletproof Mastermind
Bulletproof Summit
Mighty Networks: Bulletproof Dental Practice
Bulletproof ERC
From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life
The Space Within: Finding Your Way Back Home
Dental Practice Heroes
People have a tendency to feel what you believe. – Dr. Craig Spodak
Dentistry is more recession-proof than other sectors. -Dr. Craig Spodak
Stressed-out people are not themselves. – Dr. Craig Spodak
Stop tracking what you earn and do a proper net worth analysis. – Dr. Craig Spodak
Not all people know their numbers. -Dr. Craig Spodak
Some people have very toxic relationships with money. -Dr. Craig Spodak
Money just fixes money problems. -Dr. Craig Spodak
The suffering is part of it. -Dr. Paul Etchison
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