Overcoming Scheduling Challenges, Micrometrics Utilization, and the Distinction Between DSOs and Private Dentists
Bulletproof Dental Practice Podcast Episode 302
Host: Dr. Peter Boulden & Dr. Craig Spodak
Guest: Amol Nirgudkar
Key Takeaways:
Teaching AI how to understand dentistry
The problem is not marketing, it’s scheduling
Leveraging micrometrics
How DSOs compare to private dentists
The problem with metrics
Authenticity is what we’re selling
Mighty Networks: Bulletproof Dental Practice
Selling, if you’re moving the patients to better health by all means you can call me a salesperson, because I’m changing somebody’s life. That’s okay! Sometimes the word sales is almost prohibited in healthcare. But we’re not selling, we really are moving the patients forward and their journey to better health. – Amol Nirgudkar
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