Don’t Blow Your Ask
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Bulletproof Dental Practice Podcast Episode 166
Host: Dr. Peter Boulden and Dr. Craig Spodak
Key Takeaways
- Introduction
- Right or Wrong Way to Ask for Help or Advice
- “Pick Your Brain”
- Be Specific with Your How
- Proximity
- Symbiosis
- Crabpot Friends
- Reciprocity
- Welcome New Relationships
Proximity is Power – Tony Robbins
There is no hack for hustle. -Dr. Peter Boulden
The best formulas cannot substitute for iconic relationships. -Dr. Peter Boulden
Your network is your net worth. -Dr. Peter Boulden
Put it on benefitted verbiage. -Dr. Peter Boulden
In the absence of understanding we make an excuse. -Dr. Craig Spodak
Reciprocity + Proximity = Relationship -Dr. Craig Spodak
Be discerning with your friends. -Dr. Craig Spodak
Get close and be kind. -Dr. Craig Spodak
If you want value, be valuable. -Dr. Craig Spodak
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