First things first… the intro for Bulletproof Dental Practice podcast
I wanted to create a podcast introduction for a couple of reasons:
The WHY? I think it’s important for people to know the WHY of me doing a podcast, and what value they should expect to gain from listening. As you’ll hear in the introduction, I want to contribute value to this podcasting ecosystem, of which I’ve derived SO much value from personally & professionally.
Non-clinical podcast – There are plenty of podcasts that discuss clinical techniques, materials, etc. I really wanted to get into the BUSINESS of dentistry with my guests. This is something I’ve done a tremendous amount of in the past and never had the foresight to say “Hey, I should be recording these conversations!” Now, I am.
Accountability – Having this podcast is good for me. It creates accountability for me to “practice what I preach.” Selfishly, I did it because it’ll challenge me to ask hard questions within my own practice after hearing some of the guests. Continually striving for incremental betterment… yeah, I like that!
Check it out. Listen to the intro. If this sounds like something that resonates with you and your practice, than I invite you to subscribe and stick around.
Together in dentistry,
Peter Boulden

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