Bulletproof diagram

Bulletproof Dental practice diagram
Pearson’s Law: “That which is measured improves. That which is measured and reported improves exponentially.” – Karl Pearson

This is one of the tenets of BulletProof Dental Practice Podcast.

If you don’t KNOW your numbers, you don’t KNOW your business. Trust me, I’ve had to learn the hard way in my career (stay tuned for that story…ugh).

Dental Systems and Marketing


If we distill it down into parts, is running a dental practice that hard?

Hell yes it’s hard! You’ve got to be the practitioner, CEO, CFO, and most times the COO. Not to mention HR responsibilities, HIPAA compliance, CE requirements……WTF!? Look at all this…this is why it is paramount to have systems in place so that you can FOCUS on growing your practice, lowering overhead, and having MORE fun.


6 parts?

Honestly, I made this personally for my practice many years ago. I stuck it on the wall in front of my monitor. During down times, I would literally just go through this thing mentally in my head. Sometimes we don’t need numbers, you just know where you are excelling….and failing. Metrics and KPI’s usually confirm what you know in your gut!

So what’s the point of said diagram?

By putting it in somewhat granular pieces (vs. “I need to fix my practice”). It allows us to compartmentalize areas so we are constantly aware of the 30,000 foot view of our practice.

I encourage you to come up with your OWN Bulletproof diagram.  Take some time and break up your practice in to components.  That being said-  YOU CANNOT do it all.   Figure out what you’re going to own, and delegate the remainder your team.




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