Activating High Performance with Jairek Robbins
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Bulletproof Dental Practice Podcast Episode 72
Hosts: Dr. Peter Boulden & Dr. Craig Spodak
Guest: Jairek Robbins
Key Takeaways:
- 80% of workers feel stress on the job, 50% say they need help learning how to manage stress. This equates to 300B annually that it’s costing companies in the US.
- Job stress leads to accidents, lost work time, lack of productivity, etc.
- As a business, job stress is expensive.
- Lack of sleep breaks you down mentally and physically.
- To optimize sleep, look into various plants, blackout curtains, monitoring, and increasing movement during the day.
- No sleep monitoring device is perfect.
- Aim for perpetual movement vs short, intense workout bursts.
- Think about ways you force yourself to walk more in your office, even if it means redesigning your office layout.
- Get outside early in the morning to get great vitamin D from sun exposure.
- Blue light from electronics at night hampers sleep.
- Short morning routine to be a super-human version of yourself:
- First thing in the morning, start with a clear mind. Do a short meditation and/or breath practice.
- From there, go straight to the shower and take a 3-minute ice-cold shower. This will activate your adrenal glands. Ease into it! If you want to activate fat burning you can alternate between 20 seconds of hot and cold water.
- Sign up for Jairek’s Udemy course @ discounted rate of $29.99:
Live It!: Achieve Success by Living with Purpose by Jairek Robbins
Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson
The Complete Guide to Activating High Peformance by Jairek Robbins

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