8 Habits of Highly Performing Practices
Bulletproof Dental Practice Podcast Episode 30
Hosts: Dr. Peter Boulden & Dr. Craig Spodak
Start with Why
- Born & raised ATL
- Buckhead – flagship practice
- “To use my God-given talents to provide for my family, friends, and team. To use dentistry & business of dentistry to create a legacy. To enjoy my finite life and to know I maximized it and I mattered.”
My Practice Evolution
- Start, today, where I’m going?
- 2002 – Graduated dental school
- 2005 – Started FFS practice
- 2009 – Opened 2nd location (Buckhead), added 2 associates (during recession)
- 2016 – Acquired PPO practice (investor not clinical), multiple real estate acquisitions
- 2017 – Building 3rd location, 2nd acquisition, 5th property acquisition, 2 more associates
- 2020 – Consulting, Exit (roll-up) EBITDA
- Struggles like anyone…
- 2015 vs 2016
- Failed partnership
- $560k embezzlement
- Extreme clinical burnout
- Family demands
- The lesson it taught me – KEEP GOING
- The difference between success and failure can be just one more step
- Re-engineered my life
- Purpose of work is to provide for our life
- Work to live, don’t live to work
- Changed my work schedule and moved to 9 days clinical / month
- Take off one week per month
- Got balance and focus back
- Balance circle
- Exciting times in dentistry
- Dentist listed as #1 of 100 Best Jobs by US News & World Report
- Digital technology convergence
- Technology is exploding with digital convergence
- Digital impressions
- Dentistry caught Wall Street attention too!
- Valuations can be excellent if you get large enough
- 10 – 20X EBITDA is not uncommon
- Podcast launched late 2016
- All about systems & marketing
- Why start a podcast?
Habits of Highly Performing Offices
- These are not just my habits, not claiming to have it all figured out
- You are the average of the 5 people you spend time with
- EXCEPTIONAL & contagious culture
- Realize you’re not the most important person
- Get an awesome team and then get out of the way
- Team will protect your environment
- Value of having a morning meeting, covering:
- Production / Collection / Goals
- Same day opportunities
- Actual monthly growth (NP – attrition)
- Outstanding treatment?
- Outstanding balance?
- Marketing opportunities?
- PRIDE in physical space
- Team loves their offices
- Spend more time there with family
- Your practice has guests all day long – be proud & invest in it
- Focus on patient experience
- Rehab? Do it. Build? Do it.
- Clinical excellence & patient education
- Lots of lip service but few execute on communicating excellence to the people who matter
- What good is clinical excellence if you can’t use it
- Become a marketing master
- Storytelling
- Video, video, and more video
- Lots of lip service but few execute on communicating excellence to the people who matter
- Addicted to social media
- Not outsourced
- Not spewing dental, but creating entertainment
- Examples
- Marketing on social media
- Follow trends, look at the app store
- Online reviews & process
- Why is Amazon the leader in consumer?
- Our process
- Time is precious so incentivize
- Google & Yelp are the leaders, Facebook is a far 3rd place
- Yelp hack
- Number obsessed
- Monitor numbers daily (morning meeting)
- What you track & focus on naturally increases
- Pearson’s law: That which is measured, improves. That which is measured and reported, improves exponentially.
- Focusing on WRONG metrics…
- Not just NP
- Not just collections
- Better metrics…
- # patient visit
- $ per patient visit
- Monitor numbers daily (morning meeting)
- % overhead
- ACTUAL monthly growth
- Value creation
- Video / education
- Patient experience
- Website / marketing
- Law of reciprocity
- CE, podcasts, meditate, enhanced food & nutrition, personal trainer, personal coach, executive assistant, complex physical w/physician, Bulletproof coffee
- You better be GOOD first, lots of peeps depend on you
- Set goals & review them daily
- Balance circle
- What’s going to move the needle forward TODAY
- BE EPIC as a goal, in all areas of your life
- We get one ticket on ride called planet Earth

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